You Need These At Night For The Best Sleep!
Blue Light can suppress melatonin production and alter circadian rhythms. These negative impacts can lead to anxiety, depression, and insomnia. That’s why we adore these Sleep Prep Glasses. Slip them on at sunset and let your body get sleepy naturally. These glasses offer a full block to the SIDES of the face as well. That’s why they work best.
These Sleep Prep Glasses have Orange lenses that have been tested in an Military-grade Optic Lab to guarantee they block the blue light- better than many of the expensive blue light blockers. If you’re looking for “night-time” glasses to wear when it’s dark and you’re looking at digital screens, please see the
We worked with optic experts to make sure our Sleep Glasses block more of the harmful spectrum of blue and green light that stops your body from making wonderful sleep producing melatonin while maximizing vision, comfort and color perception, creating a sleep enhancing experience like no other. And at a great price!
Having Trouble Sleeping? Join Our
These are our top rated to provide an inexpensive solution to turn blue light at night side effects around, keep your melatonin levels up and get a beautiful sleep.
We love these anti-blue light glasses because you can wear them all day if you’d like, to cut down on eye strain from computers and screens. But during daylight hours Blue Light is good for you! For the perfect blue light diet be sure to wear these Certified to Block blue light glasses in the later hours of the day.
The Right Way To Block Blue Light For Sleep: Our Sleep Lenses Keep Light From Hitting Your Eyes 0n Top And On The Sides
The complete Anti Blue Light wrap-around single lens provides a full panoramic view and offers solid protection. No light can sneak in the sides- like a good sleep mask. These are the only true and complete Blue light Protection
We like the comfy nose cushion because it’s soft snug unlike most inexpensive glasses that don’t come with this pleasant feature. . We recommend wearing them 2 to 3 hours before bedtime for optimal results.
Orange Sleep Prep:
- Circadian System Peak Sensitivity: 91%
- Approximate Vision and Eye Health Sensitivity Peak: 86%
- 380-540 84% All Circadian RANGE 84%
- 400-500 87% ALL EYE HEALTH RANGE
- Circadian System Peak Sensitivity:Blocks 91%
Research has determined the PEAK “nm range” where light exposure will most effect melatonin production. So blocking this range of Blue Light should be most effective in contributing to a good sleep and good circadian rhythms.
- Approximate Vision and Eye Health Peak Sensitivity Blocks 86%
Research has determined the PEAK “nm range” where light exposure has been shown to effect vision. So blocking this range of Blue Light should be most effective in contributing to vision and eye health.
Blue Light is naturally occurring, but with digital–we’re just exposed to way too much of it, even in the daytime hours. It’s like we’re outside in bright light 16 hours a day–which is why we also recommend an
The Best Blue Light Daily Health Plan:
- Use
- Daytime Screen or Artificial Light Environment: Use
- Use These
- Use These Yellow
- Swap out A
Use the
We get asked a lot if using two 35% blocking products at once will increase the block to 70%. Here’s how blue blockers work:
Layering screen protectors or Blue Blocking glasses does not increase the percentage of blue light blocked. The color and composition of each “blocker” eliminates a certain spectrum of waves of blue light.
Scroll down to learn more and watch a video about the effects of Blue Light.
BONUS: Use a red light bulb before night time to reduce blue light exposure and get your eyes ready for bed.
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